Seattle Far-Left Reverend Training Tennessee Students to Protest Gun Control

In the wake of The Covenant School shooting, a far-left reverend from Seattle has been working in Nashville to teach students how to protest.

“Reverend Osagyefo Sekou came to Nashville to work with the Dores Worker Solidarity Network [DWSN] on April 13,” according to Vanderbilt University’s website.

The Dores Workers Solidarity Network was first recognized by Vanderbilt as a student group after a construction worker died on campus in May.

In conjunction with that group, the students founded Tennessee Student Solidarity Network (TSSN).

“DWSN formed the Tennessee Student Solidarity Network following the student activism movement in Tennessee after the Covenant School shooting,” according to Vanderbilt. “Sekou joined the group of students and residents from all over Tennessee at Centennial Park to discuss safe practices for non-violent civil disobedience. Sekou trained Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and Ferguson protestors. He studied under Rev. James Lawson. He emphasized that civil disobedience is meant to ‘preserve life’ and is out of a ‘deeper body love.'”

Sekou (pictured above) is an avowed Antifa supporter, and in his capacity as a reverend has apparently fabricated a new Bible verse.

“I head a voice from Heaven sayeth #DefundThePolice so they shalt be abolished from the Earth.” – 1 Minneapolis 1:1 (New Standard #Antifa Version),” says a tweet that is pinned to Sekou’s Twitter profile. 

Sekou is the Pastor of Theology and Arts at Valley and Mountain church in Seattle.

“Rev. Osagyefo Sekou is V&M’s Pastor of Theology and Arts. He joined the team as Theologian-in-Residence in the Fall of 2020, and now serves as Co-Convener,” according to the church’s website. “A renowned musician, author, public intellectual, filmmaker, and community organizer, Rev. Sekou’s role on staff is leading programs for theological formation, trainings on the theory and tactics of nonviolence civil disobedience, offering pastoral care, and contributing leadership and vision to our community.”

Sekou was arrested during the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in response to the death of Michael Brown, who was shot dead after robbing a convenience store and physically assaulting former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Wilson was later cleared in the shooting, much to the chagrin of the Ferguson rioters.

Though Sekou’s training is allegedly in non-violent protest, his trainee, Jones, was the ringleader of a riot at the Tennessee Capitol in the days following The Covenant School shooting, where Jones incited a massive group of students to attempt to push their way into the Tennessee House gallery, through a barricade of police officers.

The rioters were pushing for new gun control measures.

Jones and his left-wing colleague, State Representative Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), were later expelled and then subsequently temporarily reinstated in the Tennessee General Assembly.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Michael Patrick Leahy contributed to this report.
Photo “Reverend Osagyefo Sekou” by Reverend Osagyefo Sekou.


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12 Thoughts to “Seattle Far-Left Reverend Training Tennessee Students to Protest Gun Control”

  1. JRin

    I cannot find where the “Reverend” obtained his theology degree. I’ll have to assume that he’s as valid a “Reverend” as is Al Sharpton.

  2. Dr Ken

    Why are you here in Tennessee Mr. Sekou? You’re coming here from Washington State. It seems your work, your mission, your calling ought to be to help that very troubled region. Have you given up or do you not see the rampant problems in the state you call home? Mr. Sekou, you need a reality check.

  3. william delzell

    Will Nashville or any other Tennessee city be the next Portland, Seattle, etc., you ask? For me, it can’t be too soon!

  4. Steve Allen

    William: there is no such thing as a “non-violent” protest by the extreme left, or pretty much any leftist organization. Then on the other hand we have Christian conservatives doing nothing more that praying outside of an abortion clinic or hospital who are arrested for terrorist activities. There’s a pretty wide definition of “non-violent”, and the antifa pajama boys and girls are known for their “non-violent” protesting. Disrupting a Tennessee legislative session by shouting into bull horns at the same time as kids screaming is not a peaceful protest.

  5. CCW

    I think the handwriting is on the wall, so to speak. How long will be be, before Nashville becomes the next Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Baltimore, Austin, NYC, or DC?

  6. CCW

    You can be sure the FIB and their stoolies will be there stirring up violence and taking names of folks who look like white domestic terrorists. Billy Lee has been had!

  7. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
    “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev. 22:18-19.)

  8. John Bumpus

    I could be wrong about this, but at the moment I don’t think so. I do not expect the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department to do much about these promised ‘protests’ (i.e., riots?) later this summer. (Cooper and his left-wing cronies are legally still in charge.) Remember the last ‘protests’ a few years ago when ANTIFA and BLM et al. tried to intimidate and burn parts of downtown Nashville, and some of those ‘protestors’ actually did set the Metro Courthouse on fire. But Governor Lee has put all of this political turmoil in motion with his special called session of the General Assembly when many in our State have asked him not to do so. So, Governor Lee and his Administration had better not be ‘asleep at the switch’ when these ‘protests’ occur. The Tennessee Highway Patrol, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, and any other law enforcement help that might be required should be immediately available. And these people need to be at the ready both BEFORE and DURING the promised ‘protests’ (and that would be best to possibly prevent those who would be willing to engage in street violence from ever doing so on account of an overwhelming law enforcement presence), and not just ‘on call’ somewhere else several miles away. And for good measure, it might also be prudent for law enforcement people to have Mayflower Van Lines trailers on hand (i.e., you know, the ‘we move anything’ folks, or I think that used to be their commercial slogan) to haul any offending hoodlums away, if necessary, whatever their numbers.

  9. william delzell

    You object to non-violent training for civil disobedience? Would you prefer they be trained in VIOLENT tactics instead?

  10. Randall Davidson

    need to send these out of state protestors back home where they came from.

  11. Horatio Bunce

    Once again Vanderbilt…

    Interesting that Megaphone Jones had astroturf marching orders to “protest” at the capitol for George Floyd, but there was no protest by him or Pearson for the legislation ending citizen review boards for police in Nashville and Memphis.

    Seems like the elected….uh, appointed representatives forgot about their constituents preventing police violence…

  12. Tim Price

    This person is not a reverend but is a child of the master deceiver Satan himself!

    He is a preacher of evil.

    The fact that Vanderbilt is pushing this should resin the defunding of the college!

    But the radical left will prevent this from happening!
